Earth Healing #1- The Foundation


SKU: I-EHF Category:


This essence awakens and attunes us to the foundation of the earth. The foundation lies at the earth’s core, the earth’s center. It is also the foundation of her history, her path, her purpose; and the foundation of her energy and her consciousness.  This essence stimulates a deep strength and connection to the earth, the core of the earth, the source of the earth. It brings to our awareness the earth as a being, her incarnations, her consciousness and path.  It is an extremely important essence for use at this time with the recent shifting of the earth’s axis, for it helps stabilize her foundation and ground the energies.  This essence if given to the earth is experienced as a deep recognition of her at her source, of her at her core; and is supportive of her at the deepest levels. Use for grounding and acknowledging her and awakening the foundation within her.  The Foundation essence within our own bodies, beside attuning us to the earth, is a powerful grounding essence and will assist us in connecting with our own deep foundation, our foundation upon this planet, and the foundation in our life. It will help us in connecting to and living from the depth of this foundation within us.  This essence was co-created by Bonnie Whittington, essence producer extraordinaire; Ruth Joy and the Angelic Essence Team.  It is part of the  Earth Healing Kit .

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 3.75 in