
Individual Angelic Essences

Showing 177–192 of 262 results

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Next Level


This essence carries a VERY high vibration. It seems to be the energies of the next level of being, the next level of consciousness. It is higher than those we have been in and brings us the energies and support to move to the next level of higher consciousness and vibration.

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Obie One


We may have heard that we are “all one”.  For most of us this idea remains a concept.  This essence is for bringing one into the conscious experience of oneness of all, beyond our conceptual ideas into the experience of Oneness. For gaining a true picture of the universe. It is part of the Gifts from the…

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Energies and blessings from the Divine that ultimately lead to bringing about an awakened state, God consciousness. Brings greater ease, joy, a quieting of the mind. Releasing the grasp of the conflicted mind. Freedom from the conflicted mind.This essences is also part of the Oneness Kit.

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OOM SHA WA: Co-Creation


The world, seen and unseen, is filled with Spirit helpers. This essence is to fully engage the powers of co-creation to manifest more than can currently be imagined or conceptualized. Intelligence and consciousness lies in all things and in all beings. This essence brings awareness of All and it’s part in co-creation. With this essence…

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Opening ~ Between the 3rd and 5th Dimension


This essence assists us with shifts in the physical body as we go though the evolutionary changes in consciousness. Supports the transformation of the physical as it moves from the third into the fifth dimension.  It is part of the  Rainbow Bridges between 3D & 5D Kit.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Opening Energy Channels


This essence clears energy blockages and opens all energy channels in all bodies, for the clear movement of energy. This brings a person greater ease, comfort, accelerated healing and growth.It is part of the Angelic Freedom Kit.

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Opening Gateways


This essence is for opening the gateways to the heart and mind. It opens and illuminates, raising consciousness and connecting to the Divine.It is part of the Angelic Spiritual Growth and Awakening Kit.

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Opening to Life


Take this essence to increase your participation in life, to increase your experience of the joy, passion and love of life.  Through trauma and life circumstances we can pull in our spirit, our life force.  We do this to protect, though in the process we cut ourselves off from life, from joy, from truly and…

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Opening to the Golden Energies – Lightbody Essence #1


Preparing one for embodying their light body by containing all aspects of the initial light body initiations such as those used in ancient Egypt and Atlantis. Used in Egypt and Atlantis. It is included in the Angelic Spiritual Growth Kit and the Lightbody Series Kit.

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Opening to the Greater Good


This essence increases understanding of situations and events and their relationship to the greater good. When we open ourselves to this awareness we increase the overall “Greater Good that is happening in our lives and on the planet”.  It brings peace through understanding.

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Opening to/Embracing Earth Incarnation


This essences is for people who have difficulty being in physical form. It supports acceptance of physical form, sexuality and earth connection.It is part of the Angelic Healing Kit.

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Original Blueprint of Water


This essence carries the original blueprint of water from it’s origins, prior to man’s and earth’s influences. Our bodies are made of a large percentage of water, as is the earth. This essence can reintroduce this original blueprint to our physical bodies and to the world to bring greater health and well-being. Thank you to…

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OSH IT A MAAT: The Beginning


This essence holds all potentials. At the core of all creation is the beginning. The spark, the moment of life’s start. In this beginning is all potentials. All seeds of all potential experiences and outcomes. Through life choices are made and some of these seeds are sprouted and grow and some do not. There is…

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The peace that comes at the end of a long journey. Ease, a job well done. It brings to each person what peace means to them. Enjoy. It is part of the  Rainbow Bridges between the 3D & 5D Kit.

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Pele: Goddess of Fire, Goddess of Creation


Pele is the creative life force. Powerful, passionate. She is birthing our land, Our Mother Earth. She was present and gave her blessings to our work and the creation of the Lemurian essences. We acknowledge and thank her.She is part of the Lemurian Essences Kit.

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Personal and Planetary Evolution


This essence will assist whoever is on their path. For moving from being or feeling stuck, to your highest evolutionary and planetary experience. Joy-Light-Harmony, beyond…beyond what we know. A coming home for higher dimensional beings. Aids in the acsension process.It is included in the Angelic Spiritual Growth and Awakening Kit.

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