
Individual Angelic Essences

Showing 161–176 of 262 results

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Letting Go


This essence increases one’s ability to turn things over to a Higher Source, letting go and trusting.It is included in the Angelic Children and Parent’s Kit and the Angelic Healing Kit.

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Light of the Moon/Moon Time


This essence is for Lunar attunement and brings understanding and connection to the gifts and power that women can experience on their moon (menses).

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Living Abundance


When we want abundance in our lives it us usually because we are experiencing or feeling lack.  It is difficult if not impossible to create abundance from this place of not having it. This essence brings to us the experience or energies of living fully abundant, helping us embody abundance so that abundance can flow…

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Living One’s Truth


For personal empowerment. This essence opens one to knowing what their personal Truth is and gives the courage and conviction to speak it and live it.  This essence will support you in connecting to your inner direction and truth. 

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This essence opens the heart to Divine Love, to love beyond all prior knowing and experience. It heals the hearts, souls and spirits of all who inhabit the earth now, and brings us into closer harmony with the Higher Source of Love. Powerful and transformative. This essence is experiential not conceptual. It is valuable in…

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Love and Thanks to Water


This essence carries in it all of the prayers of Love and Thanks to Water from the ceremony at the Sea of Galilee and the ceremonies around the planet. It carries prayers and healing energies that are multidimensional and beyond time and space. It also contains the energies of the unification of the seas. This…

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Shamanic Animal Essences are made in cooperation with the Animal Spirit World. They carry the energy and qualities of the animal’s group mind and highest possibilities. They may bring to the user the attributes of the animal, or a greater bond to the animal. These essences are offered to you that you may grow, develop,…

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Manomaya Kosha


Manomaya Kosha:  MIND BODY-CLARITY. This layer is our day-to-day awareness when we are functioning ‘on automatic’. It is instinctual and houses our mental impressions, habits and strategies. It is the source of the mind-body disconnection. This essence will help calm obsessive thinking, anxiety, restlessness, depression.  It helps release knots tied up in mental energy.  This…

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Mental Component of Future Energies


This is an important essence in working with the new and future energies. The Mental component essence supports our integration of the new energies and information. It is stabilizing, balancing and integrating the body, mind and spirit.  It is part of the  Future Energies/Lightworkers Support Kit.

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Metatron: One interpretation of Metatron’s name is “one who occupies the throne next to the Divine throne.”  An incredible figure to behold, he appears as an enormous being of brilliant white light. He is the greatest of all the Heavenly hierarchs, highest power of abundance, Chancellor of heaven, King of the Angels. He is charged…

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Microbial Health and Balance


This essence is for supporting and balancing the microbes in our body, which are essential to our health and well-being.Microbes are tiny organisms—too tiny to see without a microscope, yet they are abundant on Earth. They live everywhere—in air, soil, rock, and water.  These microscopic organisms are found in plants and animals as well as…

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Mohammed’s Message Essence


Mohammed’s Message is one of the Ascended Master essences. These essences support experiencing the consciousness, energy and teachings of the Ascended Masters. In this context the Mohammed’s Message essence is about a consciousness that carries the teachings of Mohammed. Peace be upon him. For in each of us is the spark of potential, the seed of…

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Moses Essence


Moses is one of the Ascended Master essences. These essences support experiencing the consciousness, energy and teachings of the Ascended Masters. In this context the Moses is not a person but a consciousness. This consciousness carries many experiences and teachings for us. Through this essence we are offered the energies of this consciousness. It is…

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Mother Moon/Mother Mary


This essence is for deep compassion and love, – love of self, of all. Experiences that may seem hard, are seen and experienced through love without limits. It is part of the Gifts from the Angels Kit and the Angelic Children and Parents Kit.

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Moving Forward/Release


This essence supports us to move forward and easily release remaining attachments that can prevent us from moving ahead.  It is part of the  Rainbow Bridges between the 3rd and 5th Dimension Kit.

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Neutral Implant/Karma Klearing


This essence was created to assist throughout and following the process for clearing karma. It brings greater gentleness to the experience while assisting in the necessary shifts, creating greater ease in integration during and following the process.

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