
Individual Angelic Essences

Showing 1–16 of 261 results

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This essence is for tuning into the oneness of all creation / the Great Knowing. The Force of Life. This essence carries the energies, essence and qualities generated and transmuted from the temples of Lemuria to support the unity of all creation. All separations dissolve. You are in the ocean of life. 

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AK MAR SANT: Gracious Undertakings


One of the trademarks of the Lemurian culture was the harmony and grace held within each being and with which all worked together for the betterment of all. This essence is for the creation and manifestation of this profound level of inner and outer harmony and grace. This essence brings grace in all action and…

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Aligning the Grids


This essence is to bring our personal grids, the grids of the planet, and the grids of the universe back into alignment. This will bring the experience of greater health, harmony, and resonance with self, the planet and all upon her, and our universe.

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The space in which ALL THAT IS resides. Space – Full, deep, complete. We take this essence to feel the depth, the completeness of ALL within us. We will know and live from Oneness at the deepest part of our being.  For experiencing and exploring the ALL THAT IS. Fullness, peace, connection, there is nothing…

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Anandamaya Kosha


Anandamaya Kosha:  BLISS BODY-JOY. It is peace, joy, and love that is beyond the mind, independent of any reason or stimulus to cause a happy mental reaction. It is simply  being , resting in bliss called  ananda .. One awakens to the Presence with a sense of connection to all, liberation from suffering and a state of being…

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Ancestral Healing


Many of the patterns, habits, thoughts, and health issues that we experience were also experienced by our ancestors. Their beliefs, physical ailments, patterns, etc. are passed down through the generations. Though we can do many things to change our lives and heal, these patterns run deep. You may see many of these shared patterns and…

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Angelic Clarity


Life is filled with opportunities, choices and directions.  There are many aspects and elements to each life situation that we are often not consciously aware of.  Having the support from the Angelic and nonphysical realm to provide a broader perspective and a deeper understanding allows us to make choices that can more fully support us.…

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Angelic Emergency Formula


This is the emergency formula from the Angels.  This essence brings support for all kinds of emergencies. It supports all beings who are under stress, or who are facing challenges and bringing support for situations that are demanding and stressful.  These situations include accidents, illness, even pressures in work or relationships. This essence also supports those who are undergoing…

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Angelic Healing, Balance and Integration


This essence is a gift from our Angel friends that assists and compliments all forms of healing.  This essence supports the multifaceted process of healing by energetically sending an Angel Healing to the one taking it and also by bringing the person and their situation into balance. Once this is done it integrates the healing…

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Angelic Lance


This is a higher dimensional tool that supports the removal of all that is no longer needed and or of service to the person or place involved. It is part of the  Angelic Healing Kit .

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Angelic Wisdom


This essence brings the support of the wisdom of the Angels. It brings perspective; perspective of wisdom, of the Angels. Use this essence when you wish to have support in knowing how to proceed in a situation, or when needing to make a sound decision. The Angels will always bring the highest wisdom to you.

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Annamaya Kosha


Annamaya Kosha:  FOOD BODY-STABILITY. This is the first, most outermost Kosha, which consists of our physical body. Getting stuck in this kosha can manifest as objectification of the body, anger towards body, obsession over eating (eating disorders), an attempt to control form, dissociation from feelings, aches, pains. This essence is for accessing, healing, transforming and balancing this…

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Archangel Ariel Essence


Archangel Ariel’s name means “Lioness of God”.  Archangel Ariel supports us in developing bravery, courage, focus, confidence and grace.  Call on Archangel Ariel for manifestation of the Highest Will.  Archangel Ariel is known as Keeper of the Sacred Wisdom and has been ranked as one of the princes who rule the waters.  Archangel Ariel has…

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Archangel Gabriel Essence


Archangel Gabriel’s name means “God is my strength” or “The Strength of God”.  Archangel Gabriel offers the strength of Divine Mind to overcome fear and supports god’s strength to move through you. Archangel Gabriel carries the energy of protection and power. Archangel Gabriel is the Spirit of Truth. Known as the heavenly awakener, messenger and…

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Archangel Michael Essence


Archangel Michael protects and serves through his clear strong presence. He strengthens our spirits. He brings clarity and perspective. He offers guidance and ease in releasing that which we no longer need and no longer serves. He grants miracles. He is a powerful and loving ally, working closely with us on the earth plane. Archangel…

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Archangel Raphael Essence


Archangel Raphael’s name means “The Healer of God”.  Call on Raphael for assistance in physical, emotional or spiritual healing. Archangel Raphael is charged with healing the Earth.  Archangel Raphael grants joy, healing, love, miracles and grace. He inspires humankind to pray and is protective to travelers, guarding and guiding those who take outward or inward…

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