Eclipse/Cosmic Creation Kit™


SKU: K-ECC Category:


These essences bring the energy of a cosmic reset. They bring the opportunity for new beginnings, for a fresh start. They clear old stagnant energies so that new energy can come forth that will be more supportive and greater serving. They bring the energies of joy, comradery, transformation. They show how healing can happen in the blink of an eye or of the sun. They are the energy of Creation.   They can be used as a set or individually. Eclipse Essences/ Cosmic Creation: 1-6 are the essences of preparation for change, transformation, new beginnings. They can be used for creating your best new future.   Gathering Energies : before transformation energy needs to be gathered, that it become focused. This supports it to be a catalyst for what is to come. This essence brings the energies together to most fully prepare the future. Clear Intentions: Energy flows where our attention goes. This essence supports the creation of a clear intention, clear vision, clear direction for the energies of transformation. We need to know where we are going before we can move forward. This essence is for creating this clear intention. Put In Place : This essence is for putting everything in place so that all may benefit from the upcoming changes. When things, people, etc. are energetically in place, the greatest benefit can come through. Everyone and everything gets into place for the greatest benefit and result. Universal order: When there is order the energy flows unimpeded and can create the greatest impact and benefit. This essence moves energy and therefore matter into order. Cohesiveness: The flowing together of the streams of life, of energy. Harmonious flow. Cohesiveness creates a unified whole. Connection: Connection to a unified field, the unified field of creation. From this field creation manifests. Use to support your creations, to create your future.   7-12 are for the completion of the intention, and completion of the new manifestation. Coherence: The flowing together of the streams of life, of energy. Harmonious flow. Cohesiveness creates a unified whole. Transformation : This essence brings about the actual transformation from the original into a new form. Consider the butterfly transitions from a   chrysalis   to the butterfly form. The transformation into the new is beginning.  Unexpected Magic: In the process of transformation, unexpected events and manifestations can take place. This essence prepares us and invites us to experience this unexpected magic. As life unfolds to a new, fresh start, new, unexpected events and elements can come forth to bring us joyful blessings. Divine Energies:   Any cosmic event, manifestation, and transformation of life is steeped in Divine energies. This essence bestows the Divine in this new creation, this new life. It brings forth all the blessings and grace of the Divine to this new beginning. Cosmic Reset All is in place and we are ready to reset to the new life. Just as sometimes we need to reset our computers, phones, etc. so they function more optimally, sometimes we need to reset ourselves and our lives. This resetting brings all back into order, clearing away old energies and signals that no longer serve or support and refines our energy and our lives to move forward with freshness and clearness. Fresh Start: The work has been done. The old has been cleared, the energies reset. We are now ready to move ahead in our new lives. This essence brings us the energies to create a new, fresh start in our lives. This can be about a particular topic or area of our lives or it can be a fresh start for our life in general.  

Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs
Dimensions 8.75 × 7.5 × 2.25 in