Individual Angelic Essences
Showing 113–128 of 262 results
Gracious Receiving
Life is full of blessings and abundance. Â Though we are surrounded by them we often do not experience or receiving these blessings/this abundance. This essence supports us in learning how to receive; to receive love, to receive support, to receive abundance. Â This is essential for us to have what we want in life. Â This essence…
Gratitude is a gift to all. Those that feel gratitude are blessed by an open heart and an aligning of their energies. Gratitude opens the heart and removes resistance. By acknowledging and feeling gratitude one’s energies flow easily and more blessings can come. There is much to be grateful for. When we are grateful, we…
Great Horned Owl
Shamanic Animal Essences are made in cooperation with the Animal Spirit World. They carry the energy and qualities of the animal’s group mind and highest possibilities. They may bring to the user the attributes of the animal, or a greater bond to the animal. These essences are offered to you that you may grow, develop,…
Green Tara
The Angelic Essences of great teachers and Masters carry the teachings, wisdom, and energy of the consciousness of the being represented.  Green Tara is a Bodhisattva of compassion who manifests in female form. She is considered to be the goddess of universal compassion who represents virtuous and enlightened activity.  Her color symbolizes youthful vigor and activity.  She…
Guilt Be Gone
Guilt is a weight. Â It keeps us stuck. Â It keeps us repeating behaviour and making excuses about it. Â It was once explained that guilt is what we choose when we do not wish to change, but want to think of ourselves as a good person. Â The experience of guilt is not productive and gets in…
Happy Days are Here!
This essence transforms the physical heart to embody greater and higher love and light. For stepping into your God hood. Joyous expansion into your new being. Your rebirth upon this planet as a reflection of God’s perfection. Feel the unabashed, unlimited joy that comes from standing as a New Human, in our New Reality. It…
Use this essence to harmonize all situations and events. Creates harmony within, without, in all things and between all things.The state of harmony frees us from internal conflict and generates the experience of freedom, peace and increased gratitude.Harmony creates balance, coherence, collaboration, agreement, friendship, fellowship, reciprocity, connection, empathy, rapport, empathy, sympathy, understanding, peacefulness, serenity, sweetness,…
Shamanic Animal Essences are made in cooperation with the Animal Spirit World. They carry the energy and qualities of the animal’s group mind and highest possibilities. They may bring to the user the attributes of the animal, or a greater bond to the animal. These essences are offered to you that you may grow, develop,…
Healing Emotional Trauma
For healing all kinds of trauma. Trauma gets trapped in the emotional as well as physical body. This essence focuses on healing the emotional trauma which then allows for greater ease in healing the physical.
Healing Heartbreak
For healing a broken heart. Â Throughout life we are faced with disappointments, discouragement, heartbreak. Â This essence is for healing the heart, Through healing our hearts we experience openess, joy, love and freedom.
Healing the Father
This essence is to support internally healing our relationship with our fathers, be they our physical fathers, or those who represented and held the role of father for us. Healing our relationship to our Father supports acceptance of ourselves without criticism or judgment. Our relationship with our fathers holds the key to our relationship with…
Healing the Heart of the Soul
This essence is for healing the wounds of the past (this lifetime and others) on a soul level. For deep healing, and a return to wholeness. This essence is part of the Angelic Healing Kit.
Healing the Mother
This essence is to support internally healing our relationship with our mothers, be they our physical mothers, or those who represented and held the role of mother for us. Healing our relationship to our Mothers allows our own self-love to flower. This healing holds the key to our ability to accept and bless ourselves. It…
Heart Center – The New Human
This essence carries the integration of Heaven and Earth within the physical Heart Center. It embodies and supports the energy of the New Human. This essence contains energies that stimulate and activate the New Chakra energies and system, supporting one to becoming their full potential. All of the New Human essences work together synergistically to…
Heart Component of Future Energies
This essence supports the grounding and transmutation of the new energies being brought to the planet. The Heart Component essence is for One Heart, Love, and Unity. Use it to to be grounded in love without fear. This essence is part of the Future Energies/Lightworkers Support Kit.
Heart Flowers
As our heart opens, it flowers, it fills with compassion and a deep, full love of all; increasing the experience of oneness, empathy, compassion, joy. One becomes more loving and lives the presence of Love.This essence is included in the Love Kit.