
Individual Angelic Essences

Showing 97–112 of 262 results

A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Frequency of Love


Love is the gateway of all life. It is the frequency imperative to completing our evolutionary journey. This essence opens us to the language of creation of the body/energy and attunes us to the frequency of love so we may spiritually progress.  It is part of the  Rainbow Bridges between 3D & 5D Kit.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Fresh Start


The work has been done. The old has been cleared, the energies reset. We are now ready to move ahead in our new lives. This essence brings us the energies to create a new, fresh start in our lives. This can be about a particular topic or area of our lives or it can be…

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.



Shamanic Animal Essences are made in cooperation with the Animal Spirit World. They carry the energy and qualities of the animal’s group mind and highest possibilities. They may bring to the user the attributes of the animal, or a greater bond to the animal. These essences are offered to you that you may grow, develop,…

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Full Embodiment of the Soul


This essence pulls the soul fully into the body, creating the feeling of being more present, therefore more grounded and empowered. This essence is part of the  Angelic Freedom Kit.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.



Ganesha is a Hindu God who’s job is the removing of obstacles.  This can be obstacles to abundance, prosperity, etc. By taking this essence you are actively removing obstacles within you and in your life.  Ganesha is part of the Abundance/Manifestation/Prosperity Kit.  

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Gateway of Completion – Indigo Essence #5


For the complete integration of the new energies and awareness. Fulfillment, Peace, ‘the dawning is here.’  It is included in the Angelic Children and Parents Kit and the Indigo Ray/Gateway Series Kit.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Gateway to Truth, Passion, Purpose, Hope – Indigo Essence #4


This essence supports alignment to our greater Truth, igniting and connecting us to our passion and purpose. It brings clarity to life circumstances, healing to the emotional body, and realigns one with their original soul print. It is included in the Angelic Children and Parents Kit and the Indigo Ray/Gateway Series Kit.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Gateways of Consciousness


This essence includes interdimensional language, sacred geometric patterns with corresponding colors and sounds overlaying into the essence. It is universal language, stimulating and expanding consciousness.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Gathering Energies


Before transformation energy needs to be gathered, so that it becomes focused. This supports it to be a catalyst for what is to come. This essence brings the energies together to most fully prepare the future. Use this essence to in working with any energetic form of healing to gather and focus the energy.  This…

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.



Shamanic Animal Essences are made in cooperation with the Animal Spirit World. They carry the energy and qualities of the animal’s group mind and highest possibilities. They may bring to the user the attributes of the animal, or a greater bond to the animal. These essences are offered to you that you may grow, develop,…

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

God’s Love


This essence holds the prayer to God: “Let me Love as You Love”.  This essence is for us to begin to love as God loves.  It can also support us to feel God’s love for us. This essence is included in the  Divinity Kit.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Golden Crown – Lightbody Essence #3


Supports the full embodiment of the light body.It is included in the Angelic Spiritual Growth and Awakening Kit and the Lightbody Series Kit.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Golden Light – Lightbody Essence #2


Supports the final initiation before entering the light body. Stimulates the pineal gland. It is included in the Angelic Spiritual Growth and Awakening Kit and the Lightbody Series Kit.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Good Grief


For acceptance in opening to and easing the grieving process.Grief is a natural experience and process in relation to our perception and experience of loss. Because grief can feel unusual or uncomfortable, we may push the experience away.  What we resist persists and unfelt or unexpressed grief settles deeply within us and can create health issues,…

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.



Shamanic Animal Essences are made in cooperation with the Animal Spirit World. They carry the energy and qualities of the animal’s group mind and highest possibilities. They may bring to the user the attributes of the animal, or a greater bond to the animal. These essences are offered to you that you may grow, develop,…

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.



Shamanic Animal Essences are made in cooperation with the Animal Spirit World. They carry the energy and qualities of the animal’s group mind and highest possibilities. They may bring to the user the attributes of the animal, or a greater bond to the animal. These essences are offered to you that you may grow, develop,…

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