
Individual Angelic Essences

Showing 241–256 of 262 results

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Third Eye Center – The New Human


This essence carries the integration of Heaven and Earth in the area between the eyebrows. It affects and supports the function of the pineal gland. It embodies and supports the energy of the New Human. This essence contains energies that stimulate and activate the New Chakra energies and system, supporting one to becoming their full…

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Throat Center – The New Human


This essence carries the integration of Heaven and Earth within the physical Throat Center. It embodies and supports the energy of the New Human. This essence contains energies that stimulate and activate the New Chakra energies and system, supporting one to becoming their full potential. All of the New Human essences work together synergistically to…

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Shamanic Animal Essences are made in cooperation with the Animal Spirit World. They carry the energy and qualities of the animal’s group mind and highest possibilities. They may bring to the user the attributes of the animal, or a greater bond to the animal. These essences are offered to you that you may grow, develop,…

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Time Peace


This essence creates a deeper understanding and ease with the element of time. Supports Divine Timing in life’s experiences and events. It brings an Interdimensional understanding of time in relation to All That Is. Freedom in knowing you can relax and know that all is happening in the correct time. Increases ease and peace.

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Shamanic Animal Essences are made in cooperation with the Animal Spirit World. They carry the energy and qualities of the animal’s group mind and highest possibilities. They may bring to the user the attributes of the animal, or a greater bond to the animal. These essences are offered to you that you may grow, develop,…

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This essence brings about the actual transformation from the original form into a new form. This new form creates a new beginning, a birth. For example the butterfly transforms from a chrysalis to the butterfly. It is a new beginning. Take this essence to assist in any transformation you are taking in your life. This…

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This essence assists with feelings and issues that arise during all kinds of transitions, including but not limited to daily life transitions, transitions in consciousness etc. This essence assists us with the numerous challenges that transitions present so that we move through them smoothly and with grace.

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True Love


To awaken the experience of True Love within the self, in order to recognize and nurture it in a partnership. This essence increases the ability to identify what True Love is. This essence is included in the Love Kit.

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Increases Trust. For trusting in the abundance of the universe.  Trust in yourself.  Trust you can heal.  Trust in your abilities.  Trust there is enough for you and you can have it and deserve it. Trust in all things beneficial to your prosperity and manifestation!  It is included in the Abundance/Prosperity/Manifestation Kit™ .

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The beauty of truth is that the moment you hear the truth something inside you responds, saying yes. It is not an agreement of the mind, remember, it comes from your totality of your being. Every fiber of your being, every cell of your body, nods in tremendous joy, “Yes!”Use this essence to identify and…

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Unconditional Forgiveness


Helps bring about full and complete forgiveness on all levels. Frees us from the burden of being unable to forgive. In forgiving we are free. Brings about more energy with this freedom.

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Unexpected Magic


In the process of transformation, unexpected events and manifestations can take place. This essence prepares us and invites us to experience this unexpected magic. As life unfolds to a new, fresh start, new, unexpected events and elements can come forth to bring us joyful blessings. This essence is part of the Eclipse/Cosmic Creation Kit™ . 

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Unlimited Support


This essence brings about the experience of Unlimited Support in your life.  We need support to receive and manifest what we wish. We all need to feel supported, yet often we do not.  Through support we experience greater joy, security, hope, trust, abundance, ease and grace.  This essence is for the experience and manifestation of…

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This essence helps with depression or when we are feeling low.  It brings energy to uplift us, which inspires and motivates us once again.  

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Vijinanamaya Kosha


Vijinanamaya Kosha:  WISDOM BODY-INTELLIGENCE. This essence is about awareness, the higher mind, intuitive knowing. We know, decide, judge, & discriminate from the wisdom part of ourselves/our higher consciousness. A healthy 4th kosha supports people to make healthy choices, to develop morals, self-discipline, studious, devoted & to live free from the promptings of instinct or overindulging.  This is part…

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Vitality +


Vitality +, or Vitality Plus is for increasing out energy and vitality.  We want energy and vitality for a more fulfilling experience of life.   

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