
Individual Angelic Essences

Showing 225–240 of 262 results

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Solid Center/Peaceful Heart


This essence is for centering and grounding one in all of life’s experiences and situations.For one must be able to stay grounded and centered in order to accurately and effectively work with Angels & Spirit. The more grounded we are, the higher the energies we can work with.It increases the experience of peace within and…

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Song of Source


This essence brings the unlimited nature of Source to your very being. It resonates (as in song) with the Soul and in doing so opens the soul in ways never before experienced.It is part of the Enlightenment Kit.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Soul Light


This essence infuses the soul with light.  Use it to bring awareness to the soul’s experiences.  This essence is for bringing light, understanding, hope and healing on a soul level.   This essence supports the experience of the “Dark night of the Soul” that is part of many people’s experiences.   This essence increases the…

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Soul Star Center – The New Human


This essence carries the integration of Heaven and Earth within the Soul Star Center. This center is approximately 6 inches above the top of the head and connects us to the spiritual realm. It embodies and supports the energy of the New Human. This essence contains energies that stimulate and activate the New Chakra energies…

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Soul Support


This essence supports the deep healing of past life trauma. It creates harmony, integration and balance between aspects of the soul. For creating cooperation and harmony within warring parts of the self.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Spinner Dolphin


Joyful celebration of each moment. We bring joy and play We are peace and cooperation. We welcome and celebrate all who crosses our path. This essence is part of The Lemurian Essences Kit .  Shamanic Animal Essencesâ„¢ are made in cooperation with the Animal Spirit World. They carry the energy and qualities of the animal’s…

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Spiritual Emergence Formula


For use during spiritual emergence, or emergency. A first aid formula. When someone is in the process of a spiritual emergence or have a spontaneous spiritual experience, they can experience drastic changes to their perceptions, beliefs, or identity.  This can be disorienting and can make it difficult to function in the world.  This essence is like…

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Starlight Essence


For grounding, centering and opening to starlight energies and information.  The stars contain information and consciousness that is beyond our daily experience or knowing.  This information and energy can support us in ways beyond our current awareness.  Use this essence for attuning one to better access this information and use it in a grounded practical…

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Stepping into Your Magnificence


You are a magnificent and beautiful manifestation of creation. Most of us have forgotten this. This essence supports us to see, to step into and to own our magnificence. To be all that we are.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.



Removes energy blocks within the body. Stimulates skill in remote viewing. Increases psychic gifts and abilities. It is included in the Angelic Healing Kitâ„¢ and the New Human Kitâ„¢.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Strengthening Connection to the Divine


This essence helps strengthen your connection to your personal Divine. As our connection with our Divine grows, our vibration raises, our consciousness grows, our health improves, we connect more fully with grace in life, and are filled with the blessings and love of our Divine. As our awareness of our Divine and of all that…

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.



Shamanic Animal Essences are made in cooperation with the Animal Spirit World. They carry the energy and qualities of the animal’s group mind and highest possibilities. They may bring to the user the attributes of the animal, or a greater bond to the animal. These essences are offered to you that you may grow, develop,…

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.

Sweet Sleep – Indigo Essence #6


Brings deeper relaxation and more restful sleep. Use if having difficulty going to sleep or during sleep.It is included in the Angelic Childrens and Parents Kit and the Indigo Ray/Gateway Series Kit.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.



For bringing sweetness and harmony into all life experiences. Much of life can be challenging, difficult, and feel hard. This essence is to provide ease and respite in the form of gentleness, tenderness, nurturing.It is included in the Angelic Healing Kit.

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.



To develop the ability to communicate between minds, or mind-to-mind communication.  Such communication includes thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations and mental images. This is part of the  Connecting to Angels Kit . 

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A bottle of liquid with a black cap.



Shamanic Animal Essences are made in cooperation with the Animal Spirit World. They carry the energy and qualities of the animal’s group mind and highest possibilities. They may bring to the user the attributes of the animal, or a greater bond to the animal. These essences are offered to you that you may grow, develop,…

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