
Individual Angelic Essences

Showing 145–160 of 262 results

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In La’kesh


In la’kesh is a mayan word that means “I am another you”. I am another you, you are another me. Together we are reflections of the one. This essence brings expanded awareness of the oneness of all. When we see ourselves reflected in others and in all that surrounds us we are empowered with clarity…

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This essence increases desire and enthusiasm in life. Inspiration is a divine influence or impulse that moves one to takeaction, create, or manifest something. This essence supports an increase of inspiration bringing creativity and results to any undertaking. This essence supports an increase of inspiration bringing creativity and results to any undertaking.

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Interdimensional Traveler


Assists one in experienceing Interdimensional Travel. In these times of transition and change we often are moving between the dimensions, from 3-D to the non-physical 4th dimension, to the new world manifesting as the 5th dimension.  This essence supports us to travel between these various realities with ease, comfort and security.  

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Interdimensional Traveler Too


This essence is to assist with integrating and grounding the experiences of  interdimensional travel.

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Shamanic Animal Essences are made in cooperation with the Animal Spirit World. They carry the energy and qualities of the animal’s group mind and highest possibilities. They may bring to the user the attributes of the animal, or a greater bond to the animal. These essences are offered to you that you may grow, develop,…

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JO SU NEE: Ever Expanding Awareness in love


A strong contributing element to the harmonious existence and creation in Lemuria was the commitment to expanding awareness, growth of consciousness and thereby greater love. The commitment to listen to ALL of creation in making choices and taking action. Awareness increased and expanded to include not only nearby beings and the immediate surrounding, but to…

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John the Baptist Essence


John the Baptist is one of the Ascended Master essences. This essence supports experiencing the consciousness, energy and teachings of John the Baptist. John the Baptist was part of the creation of the essence Love and Thanks to Water. He seems to be connected to the work with water upon our planet. He has much to…

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Joyful Expansion


For opening the heart and filling it with joy and unbounded happiness. It is included in the Angelic Children and Parent’s Kit.

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Key #1


These are the keys to creation, the energetic keys to life.  The keys to the creation of our universe, our planet, ourselves.    These keys work with the sounds and information related to the creation of our planet known as the Harmonics of Creation.  They are not individually defined.  This essence is part of  The…

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Key #2


These are the keys to creation, the energetic keys to life.  The keys to the creation of our universe, our planet, ourselves.  These keys work with the sounds and information related to the creation of our planet known as the Harmonics of Creation.  They are not individually defined.This essence is part of The Keys Kit. 

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Key #3


These are the keys to creation, the energetic keys to life.  The keys to the creation of our universe, our planet, ourselves.  These keys work with the sounds and information related to the creation of our planet known as the Harmonics of Creation.  They are not individually defined.This essence is part of The Keys Kit. 

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Key #4


These are the keys to creation, the energetic keys to life.  The keys to the creation of our universe, our planet, ourselves.  These keys work with the sounds and information related to the creation of our planet known as the Harmonics of Creation.  They are not individually defined.This essence is part of The Keys Kit. 

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Know your God


This supports one in knowing who is my God?  Who is my Divine?  We may long to connect to that which is unseen, yet is the source of all.  It is the answer to the prayer: To Know God.  To become God Realized. This essence is included in the Divinity Kit.

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This essence increases awareness on all levels. When taking this essence one develops a deeper understanding of any situation, event, person, perspective, etc.  It promotes insights and greater awareness.  It assists in developing the gift of prophecy, of knowing. It is part of the Gifts from the Angels Kit.

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Lakshmi – is the Hindu Goddess of Abundance and Prosperity.  People pray to her for all kinds of blessings and boons. Lakshmi is in the Abundance/Manifestation/Prosperity Kit.  

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Layers of Life – The Koshas


BALANCE-HARMONY. The Koshas encompass the mind, body, and the spiritual aspects of consciousness manifested in physical form. They are the source of our well-being during life and are the vehicles we travel in after death. This essence supports the harmonizing, balance, interconnection and healthy functions of all the Koshas. 

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