New Human Kit™


he Marriage of Heaven and Earth Integrated within the Physical. This series of essences embodies the energies of the New Human. It carries energies that stimulate and activate the New Chakra energies and system. Each of these essences contains energies to open and activate one to becoming their full potential. These work together synergistically to activate and open all present and new energy centers. It is recommended that they are used together to create grounding and appropriate activation. Used topically, these seal up leaks in the auric field. They would work well in a spray as well as used internally. It is recommended that they be taken together, though they can be used individually. This kit includes the following essences:

1. Integration of Heaven and Earth through the Physical Form: The Root Center

2. Integration of Heaven and Earth through the Physical Form: The Sacral Center

3. Integration of Heaven and Earth through the Physical Form: The Solar Plexus

4. Integration of Heaven and Earth through the Physical Form: the Heart Center

5. Integration of Heaven and Earth through the Physical Form: The Throat Center

6. Integration of Heaven and Earth through the Physical Form: The Third Eye Center

7. Integration of Heaven and Earth through the Physical Form: The Crown

8. Integration of Heaven and Earth through the Physical Form: The Soul Star

9. Stimulation

10. High Vibe

11. Solid Center/Peaceful Heart

12. The VRIL Force